
Upcoming Events

The United Church of Canada Turns 100

Knox is recognizing the 100th anniversary of the formation of the United Church of Canada in 2025 by gathering together 100 facts about the United Church and about Knox. At the end of the year, we'll assemble them to commemorate our Centennial Project.

All members of our community are invited to submit a fact or two (or many!). The invitation is open to everyone, whether you're new to Knox, been here for years, or join us on line. Each of us has a different experience of the United Church and of Knox. All experience is valid and a part of our history.

Kay’s Thrift Store is Open!

Saturdays, 11:00 am - 5:00 pm, Parlour

Discover treasures at Kay’s Thrift Shop, now open every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Parlour! Spread the word to friends and family, and help us grow this vibrant community space. Donations of household items, clothing, and furniture are still welcome and can be dropped off Monday through Thursday or Sunday, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Interested in volunteering? We’d love to hear from you—email us at

Kay’s Thrift Shop is off to a great start, but we need more volunteers to keep it running! Whether you can help weekly or just occasionally, your time and energy will make a big difference in this meaningful community initiative.

Just Acts Play Festival 2025 presented by the Knox Theatre Collective and Urban Stories Theatre 

February 18-21, 7:00 pm, Knox Theatre 

All are invited to a performance of three short plays on the theme “Examining Control.”  Featuring Every Beginning has an End by Bryan McHale, Margaritas by The Sea by Patsy McNishu. Direction by:
Joseph McManus, Mariza Iturbe-Becerril, Logan Sundquist, Aja Nielsen.  Tickets at the Door Adults $20 - Students/Seniors $15 - Preview (Feb 18) $10

Affirming Coffee Chat

Friday, February 28, 6:00 pm, Harris Room

We invite you to join us for a coffee chat with the affirming group. This is open to all church members and friends. It is a safe space, without judgment, friendly, and a place to meet new friends. Join others for coffee and conversation! We hope to see you there. 

Knox Annual General Meeting

Sunday, March 2, 11:45 am, Sanctuary

All are invited to join the Knox Annual General Meeting. The 2025 budget will be presented, committee positions nominated and elected and other updates given. Reports and budget information will be sent out in the weekly email and will be posted on A light lunch will be provided.

English Classes at Knox

English classes for immigrants and refugees will begin again at Knox on Wednesday, February 26. At present, we are all taking a well-earned break. Our plan is to continue offering three-hour classes once per week on Wednesday evenings. Since once a week is not sufficient for an ideal learning program, we will also continue to supply weekly teaching videos for practice and reinforcement of language learning between the weekly classes.

Once again, volunteers will play a critical role in supporting students as they struggle with the complexities of their learning. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of regular volunteers who plan to continue assisting in their roles. However, it is also important to have a list of additional volunteers who can step in to substitute if required. If such a role appeals to you, please email your name stating your interest to This role may be a step out of your usual comfort zone, but therein lies the possibility of untold rewards.


Opportunity Knox

The primary role of Opportunity Knox (OK) is to ensure there is an open and transparent process for filling vacant volunteer leadership positions. We strive to provide applicants with knowledge of the position and to match skills and interests with available opportunities. Knox is looking for leaders to advance and evolve the mission of the church.

Currently the leadership positions available are:

  • Co-Chair of Knox Council

  • Secretary of Council

  • Member at Large on Council

  • Chair and Members of the Ministry and Personnel Committee

  • Trustee

If you are interested in any of these positions, please see Diane Trimming or Betty Norman Bray on Sundays after the service or contact the church office: We would be pleased to provide details of each position.

Weekly Events

Musicians Wanted for Gathering Music!

Sundays, 10:00 am, Sanctuary
Our church is home to many talented musicians of varying levels, from beginner hobbyists to advanced players. We would like to invite all of you to share your music during the Gathering Music portion of our Sunday worship services. This music is meant to provide a welcoming ambiance while the public is just starting to enter the church, beginning anywhere from 10 -10:15 am and ending before the official prelude begins around 10:25 am. If you’re interested, please contact Ethan in person or at to schedule your music.

Connection and Reflection - Contemplation and Community

Wednesdays, 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Labyrinth Room 

Join us for a time of reflection and meaningful conversation. Held in the beautiful Labyrinth Room, framed with music, readings, and a time for silence and quiet reflection, we will come together to listen, to talk about things that matter, and to be in community together.

Click Here to find out more about our Wednesday services

Ringers Wanted!

Rehearsals Mondays, 2 pm, Handbell Room
The Re-Bell Ringers are looking for new members to join. No handbell experience is necessary, but reading music is required.  If you would like to be a part of the ringers, please contact the church office at

English Language Learning Classes

Wednesdays - 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

New sessions at Knox Centre begin every two months.  At the present time, our classes are scheduled weekly on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. At the present time, we are very pleased to have an adequate number of excellent volunteer assistants.  However, if you are interested in serving as an occasional substitute assistant or would like more information on this outreach program, please email

Knitting Group

Wednesdays, 10 am, Sanctuary

All are welcome to join others for conversation and knitting together. Knitters and those wanting to learn, are welcome. Together, the group knits or crochets blankets and prayer squares to be given to people who need a reminder that they are “wrapped in God’s love.” Donations of yarn are appreciated and can be dropped off at the church office. The group meets on Wednesdays at 10 am in the library.

Regional Affirming, Youth and Young Adult, Truth and Reconciliation Events

For the latest information and calendar of events for Affirming Ministries, Regional Youth activities and Truth and Reconciliation Events, please visit Chinook Winds Region’s website:

Joining the Knox Community 

Third Sunday of the month
Everyone is welcome at Knox whether or not you are an official “member.”  Membership into a congregation is a choice - some people wish to make a formal commitment in this way, others wish to serve on a committee where membership is a requirement.  If you are interested in joining in this way, please contact Sheena Trotter-Dennis at

Monthly Events

Monthly Potluck

First Sunday of the month, 11:30 am, Gym

Discover Knox Tour 

Last Sunday of the month, 11:45 am, Sanctuary
All are invited to take a behind-the-scenes tour of parts of the building and hear more about the Knox community. Meet in the front of the sanctuary at 11:45 am.  Tours last about 30 minutes.

Children’s Handbells

Third Sundays of the month, 10:45 am, Handbell Room
All children are invited to come and begin learning the art of handbell ringing.  The sessions are led by Janet Zatka, a ringer with our Knox Re-Bell ringers, and include basic skills in handbell ringing and techniques.  No previous experience is necessary. We will meet in the Handbell Room during the worship service.  Questions? Please email Christine at

Children’s Time

Second and Fourth Sundays of the month, 10:45 am, Library

There is a special time for children during our Sunday worship service. Children ages 3 and older are invited to participate in a time of story, craft, and recreation.  The Children will start in the Sanctuary and move to the library. We are deeply grateful to Christine Sizer, who is volunteering to lead this program.  If you have any questions, please contact  

Coloring packets are available every Sunday in the back of the sanctuary. Please feel free to help yourself.