Sunday SERVICE is offered
In-person and online.
Sunday Morning
Sunday, March 30
Service at 10:30 AM (MT) - Order of Service
Watch along on our YouTube Livestream
Have Faith! - in What? Exploring the big questions
During the season of Lent (March 5 - April 13) we will explore the big questions of our faith. Throughout the centuries people have asked these questions and provided some thoughts, answers and more. Who is God? What is the church? Who are we? What is our purpose? What is evil? What is new life and resurrection? We will explore the big questions together by starting with the United Church’s Song of Faith and connecting with our sacred texts, our own experiences and the work of theologians, artists and others. To read the UCC’s “Song of Faith” visit: https://united-church.ca/community-and-faith/welcome-united-church-canada/faith-statements/song-faith-2006
A Song of Faith, adopted in 2006, seeks to provide a verbal picture of what The United Church of Canada understands its faith to be in the historical, political, social, and theological context of the early 21st century. It is also a means of ongoing reflection and an invitation for the church to live out its convictions in relation to the world in which we live.
CHILDREN’S Time - Sunday School
Our Children's Time has expanded to occur twice a month, now on the second and fourth Sundays. Children aged 3 and older are warmly welcomed to join us for an engaging session filled with stories, crafts, and recreation. There's no need for registration; simply bring your children to the Sanctuary, and they will transition to the library for more activities. It's a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn, create, and connect in a nurturing environment.
The third Sunday each month offers a chance for youth to learn the art of handbell ringing. Develop skills in music and cooperation in a casual environment. Youth ages 10-18 are invited. The sessions are led by Janet Zatka, a ringer with our Knox Re-Bell ringers, and include basic skills in handbell ringing and techniques. No previous experience is necessary. We will meet in the Handbell Room during the worship service. Questions? Please email childrenstime@kxcalgary.com.