The Knox Choir
The Knox Choir rehearses weekly and provides musical leadership on Sundays from September to mid-June. The choir enjoys preparing and performing music from many historical periods and in various styles, from gospel to chant; classical to bluegrass. In recent years, the singers were proud to be part of two massed choirs that performed at New York’s Carnegie Hall, 2016, and Ottawa’s Shaw Centre and National Arts Centre on Canada Day, 2017.
Other ensembles:
Knox Ringers
Knox has an active and keen handbell choir that meets weekly on Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:15 pm. The individuals in this particular group have strong music reading skills and are at an intermediate level in handbell ringing. We have a 3-octave ring of handbells and play repertoire in the worship services every 2 to 3 months, including the Christmas and Easter seasons. We enjoy a varied repertoire, which includes a walk on the ‘pop’ side. We’d love to have you join us if you are interested in ringing. Knox is excited to offer two levels of ringing: beginner and intermediate.
Musical Outreach
Knox singers and instrumentalists enjoy bringing their music to people in senior and specialized care residences and to patients in hospitals. The groups also participate in community concerts, fundraisers, and special events, often in partnership with various community musicians and musical groups.
Music Director: Ethan Hill
Ethan studied composition at the University of Victoria, where he also trained as a liturgical musician at St. John the Divine Anglican Church. In 2019, he relocated to Montreal to study the organ at McGill University, during which time he held an organ scholarship at Christ Church Cathedral.
His work in the church sparked his fascination with metaphysics, symbolism and ontology, which he continues to explore today. He works with the Alberta Ballet and the Savridi Singers. He continues to develop his artistry through residencies with the Banff Centre for Art and Creativity, the Domaine Forget de Charlevoix and Continuum Contemporary Music. Ethan also serves as president of RCCO, Calgary Centre and a representative for Alberta & the Northwest Territories with the Canadian League of Composers.
If you are interested in joining any of the Knox ensembles as a singer, instrumentalist, or would like more information about programs offered please contact music director Ethan Hill at ehill@kxcalgary.com
A prominent feature in the Knox sanctuary is one of the largest pipe organs in Canada.
The organ was originally built and installed by Casavant Frères in 1912 as opus 529, rebuilt and expanded in 1956 and again in 2002. It is a large versatile four manual instrument with 95 stops and over 5000 pipes. In addition to the great, swell (enclosed), choir (enclosed) resonance and pedal divisions, it has an antiphonal (echo) division located in the rear gallery.
The work in 2002 included the addition of a digital capture system with 256 levels of memory, a sequencer and a computer diskette drive for the storage of piston information. In cooperation with local organizations – the Calgary Society of Organists and the Calgary Centre of the Royal Canadian College of Organists – Knox has had a history of supporting many international organ virtuosos who have presented major programs on the instrument.
A Venue for the Arts
The church and sanctuary, as a premier concert venue, hosts numerous groups and programs:
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra’s “Bach at Knox”
The Festival Chorus, Calgary Bach Society, Cantaré Children's Choir, Alberta Children’s Choir, Choir Alberta
Local high school music programs
Educational and theological speakers
The Sanctuary, Labyrinth Room, Lower Theatre and Parlour are venues for concerts, theatre performances, small recitals, rehearsals, weddings, receptions and gatherings. The Gymnasium, Library, Board Room and Choir Room are also utilized for community meetings, education classes, childcare, noon-time sports, yoga, and other activities.
Building on its past achievements, Knox is looking forward to expanding its relationships with other arts organizations in the city and continuing to support the Calgary community in the presentation of quality Fine Arts programs.
Special Seasonal Events
Calgary Carol Festival – 40 years and going strong!
Established by former music director Frank McKitrick in 1978, the Calgary Carol Festival is regarded by many Calgarians as the beginning of their Christmas season. Held annually on the first weekend of Advent, this festival is expanding from three nights to four in 2019 – Friday evening will be added to the traditional run of Saturday, Sunday and Monday, with all concerts starting at 7:00 pm. The festival features many excellent community, school, and church choirs, singing some of their favourite Christmas repertoire. This event is also a significant fund-raiser for the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank.
Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Eve inside the “Cathedral of the West” is a special experience. Knox features all the musical ensembles (and special guest artists, Foothills Brass Quintet) with music ranging from traditional Christmas favourites to exciting contemporary takes on carols. Knox is one of only a few Calgary churches that offer a late (11:00 pm) Christmas Eve service, responding to a tradition still held by many in the Calgary community. In addition, a 7:00 pm service is offered, as well as a newly added 9:00 pm service. One of the favourite traditions at the 7:00 and 11:00 pm services is to sing Silent Night by candlelight, and watch the twinkling stars appear on the walls of the vaulted spaces around the chancel and the pipe organ.