
What is baptism?

Baptism is a sacrament of the church that originates in the ministry of Jesus. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus stood in the Jordan River and was baptized. Since that time, baptism has emerged as the Rite of Christian Initiation; namely, the sacred ritual by which a child or adult enters into the Christian faith community.

In the early church, it was typically adults who were baptized, usually by full immersion, at which time, they became members of the Christian faith community. In the 4th century, infant baptism became much more common. It was a time of high infant mortality and parents wanted to ensure that their children were welcomed into the community of faith.

Thus, in the case of infant and child baptism, the parents make the promise to God and to the community that they will raise their children in a spiritual environment. When the child reaches an appropriate age, they can then consider becoming a member of the Christian church through Confirmation.

For youth and adults, baptism marked the beginning of a lifelong journey, walking in the footsteps of Jesus. When you are baptized in the United Church as a youth or adult, you make a public profession of faith and you declare that it is your wish to become a member of Knox United Church, and the United Church of Canada.

Baptism is also a symbol of God’s unconditional love and grace being poured out upon the individual being baptized. Like water, God’s love flows everywhere, immersing us and bathing us in the wonder of God’s grace. It is love and grace that is freely offered and given throughout our lives, not just at the moment of baptism

Water and font...

Water is the essential element of baptism. As it is poured out, the splash and flow of the water reminds us of God’s grace being poured upon us. Flowing out in all directions, embracing our lives. The font is the bowl holding the water that will be sprinkled on the forehead of the person being baptized. Sprinkling is the most common form of baptism in the United Church of Canada.


A baptized person enters the Christian faith community.


Baptism provides individuals with an opportunity to explore their beliefs.


Water is sprinkled as a reminder of the grace of God being poured out as a blessing on the one being baptized.

The congregation promises...

... to serve as your community of faith, offering its support by providing programs for spiritual formation, and opportunity for service.

You promise...

... to profess your faith in God.

... to follow in the way of Jesus.

... to make a commitment to the mission and ministry of Knox.

... to make a commitment to seek justice and to resist evil.


Must I be an active member of Knox to have my child baptized?

No, we do hope, however, that you find our faith community to be a support.

Must the parents be baptized themselves?

Yes. At least one of the parents must be baptized.

Is there a fee expected for conducting a Baptism?

No. Baptism is a sacrament - a sign of God’s love and grace freely offered.

Must I attend the Baptism class?

Yes. We ask that you meet with the Minister. This will ensure that you understand the meaning of baptism before you make any commitments.

May I have my child baptized privately?

Only in very unusual circumstances. Baptism marks the entry of the child into the Christian faith community, and thus is joyfully celebrated in the midst of that community.

Who do I contact when I am ready to have myself or my child baptized?

Contact the church office to begin a conversation about your decision.

With baptism, do I become a member of Knox United Church?

Yes. Knox welcomes you so that you might walk into a deeper exploration of your spiritual life. We take seriously the vows we make to you and celebrate the opportunity to fulfill our vows. Here you will find spiritual direction, support, companionship, and ongoing opportunities for service that make a difference in your personal life and in the world. If your child is being baptized, they become a member through Confirmation.

May I invite someone to be my sponsor?

A baptized person of your choice is invited to stand with you in your act of faith and commitment to God through baptism. The congregation of Knox always acts as your sponsor. Your baptism is also accompanied by a laying on of hands as a sign of support from your sponsor and the congregation.

Where and when can I receive my baptism?

Except in cases of medical emergency, the sacrament of baptism for youth and adults is offered during Sunday morning public services of worship