Annual Congregational Meeting
Knox’s Annual Congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, March 24 beginning at 10:30 am. We will be framing the meeting with worship, and conducting the meeting as worship, to remind us that our congregational business is a part of our mission and community life, and that our meetings are also places in which we are called to discern the call and Spirit of God. We’ll begin in the manner of our traditional worship and end in the manner of PAX.
Lunch will be provided.
Among other items of business, we will be assessing our progress towards the Next 1100 Days vision, laying out our plans for the coming year, and approving the budget that will enable those plans to go forward. This is the meeting that will shape our life together for the coming year. Please come to worship, to discern God’s call, and to recommit to our walk of faith together.