Knox 2024
Narrative Budget
The journey began in 1912, when Knox moved from its first services in a local saloon to a new, beautiful building on a residential street.
The Knox we love today began as Knox Presbyterian Church in 1881. Historical accounts are unclear as to whether the fledgling congregation first met in a bakery or saloon. From these early beginnings Knox today is 143 years strong and counting. Our historic sandstone structure was built in 1912 and dedicated on September 14, 1913. With the union of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational denominations in 1925 Knox was renamed to “Knox United”. Regardless of name, Knox has remained a relevant mainstay in Calgary, providing programs and support to meet the community’s needs of the day.
Open Space ($219, 287)
Knox United Church offers an inclusive ministry, with open table communion and uplifting worship services. We welcome all ages, offering special Children’s Time with crafts and stories twice a month, as well as quiet reflection, guest ministers, and Wednesday contemplative services in the Labyrinth. From community-wide Advent and Lent services to Bible study and hospitality following worship, Knox nurtures faith, connection, and growth, and is one of five pastoral charges supporting ministry education across Canada
Vibrant Place ($161,580)
Knox United Church is home to the largest church organ in Western Canada and 30 stunning stained glass windows, providing a beautiful backdrop for worship. Our choir leads Sunday services from September to mid-June, with special performances during Advent and Lent, and guest musicians often enhance the music. Knox also offers handbell choirs, community spaces for various programs, monthly hospitality potlucks, a Thrift Store, and even free onsite PSA testing through the Man Van initiative, making it a vibrant and welcoming hub in the heart of Calgary.
Sacred Connections ($209,095)
The pandemic highlighted our need for connection and support, which we continue to nurture through our enhanced online worship experience, thanks to new IT infrastructure. Knox also engages deeply in learning from the First Nations through smudging, reconciliation circles, and other cultural practices, and invites all to explore the Indigenous Canada course. Our community outreach includes hosting the Calgary Carol Festival, supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and offering English classes, book clubs, and community yoga. Through these initiatives, we strengthen bonds and create space for shared learning and celebration
Worship Ministry and Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care ($84,410): Is provided to those who come to Knox in need of support and can be provided information to the wider support organizations in the Calgary community. Healing Touch is offered once a month during the worship service as a special blessing. A pre-service Bible study and conversation happens at 9:30 AM before each Sunday morning worship service. A weekday “Connection and Reflection – Contemplation and Community” midday service is offered in the beautiful Labyrinth on Wednesdays. Framed with music readings and a time of quiet reprieve from the busyness of the workday, we come together to listen, talk and be in community together. The Sanctuary and Labrinth are open Monday to Friday 10 Am to 2 PM for those seeking a quiet space during the week. One day per week the 6th Avenue doors are open to the public with Sanctuary Hosts greeting visitors. The last Sunday of each month all is invited to join a “Discover Knox Tour” for a behind-the-scenes tour of parts of the building and hear more about the Knox community.
Worship & Ministry ($158,291): Our minister, Rev. Sheena Trotter-Dennis, coordinates all aspects of Knox’s ministry. Knox values inclusion, community engagement and a progressive theology. As a member of the Affirming Ministries Program, we celebrate our diversity! Communion is an “Open Table” where all are welcome to participate. Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals/Memorials/Celebration of life services can be arranged through the church office. Sunday morning messages are relevant, positive and encouraging. Quiet time during each service offers time for personal reflection and respects the holy ground in each of us. “Children’s Time”, for ages 3 and older, happens the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month with story-time, crafts and recreation. Special worship services during Advent (Christmas) and Lent (Easter) reach out to all Calgarians from all quadrants of the City.
Our minister, Rev. Sheena Trotter-Dennis, coordinates all aspects of Knox’s ministry
Sunday morning messages resonsate for the present and meet us where we are at on our journeys
Following the first service of each month join us for a Potluck Lunch and time of fellowship
Wednesdays during the noon-hour join us in the beautiful Labyrinth for a time of Connection and Reflection.
Music Ministry & the Arts
Music Ministry ($102,023): Music has always been the centerpiece at Knox. Since 1913 the magnificent 4-manual organ has been the foundation and support for song and melody. The organ not only blends with the human voice to sustain and support a singing congregation but is also the instrument most able to express human emotions. Located in the sanctuary’s chancel this substantial instrument was built and installed by Casavant Frères Ltée., (Opus 529), and houses 5, 018 pipes and 92 stops. This instrument is the largest church organ in western Canada, but the total number of pipes places it second in size to the organ in Calgary’s Jack Singer Concert Hall (1987), and third in size to the organ in Edmonton’s Winspear Centre (1997). Our Music Director, Ethan Hill, and Associate Director of Music, Chellan Hoffman, coordinate Knox’s music program. The Knox Choir provides music leadership, with a variety of styles and genres, on Sundays from September to mid-June and special worship services during Advent and Lent. Christmas Eve services are a special experience for many Calgarians. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the Labyrinth. There are two handbell teams – Knox Re-Bells (adult) and the Children’s Handbells. Guest musicians and volunteer instrumentalists embellish the musical offerings.
In addition to its role as a center for worship, Knox's sanctuary serves as a premier concert venue in Calgary. The space regularly hosts performances by groups such as Festival Chorus, Cantaré Children's Choir, and many others. These events, along with ongoing collaborations with local arts organizations and theological speakers, further establish Knox as a vibrant hub for both sacred and secular music and the arts. Upcoming performances and events are listed on the Knox website, ensuring there is always something to look forward to for both congregants and the wider Calgary community
Knox is also home to the annual Calgary Carol Festival, a cherished community tradition since 1978. This event, held over three evenings during the first weekend of Advent, invites choirs and ensembles from across the city to perform and raise donations for the Calgary Food Bank. Last year, over 1500 people attended this 3-day event, over 2700 lbs of food was collected and $14,000 was given to the Food Bank. The total of food and funds donated through this event since 1997 are: $195,362.79!
Knox currently has an active and keen handbell choir, the Knox Re-Bell Ringers. Our handbell repertoire is varied and includes walks on the “pop” side.
Calgary Carol Festival, hosted by Knox, has been a tradition since 1978 and begins the Christmas season for many Calgarians. Held annually for three evening performances, commencing the first weekend of Advent, it invites many excellent community, school and church choirs and ensembles to experience the Knox stage.
Volunteer Instrumentalists share their musical gifts during Sunday worship services by providing special music for the Prelude, Postlude and time of personal reflection and prayer time during Candle Lighting and Offering.
Special Invited Music Guests enhance the Sunday worship experience and provide a venue for other artists in the community to share their artform.
Truth and Reconciliation
Truth & Reconciliation ($100,661): Knox’s commitment to supporting initiatives for Truth & Reconciliation is an integral part of our ministry. The Community Services Recovery Fund grant also provided funds to hire Rev. Tony Snow, Indigenous Minister for the Chinook Winds Region of the United Church of Canada, to provide leadership and guidance from a First Nations perspective. The congregation had opportunities to participate in smudging, reconciliation circles, First Nations spirituality and Land Acknowledgements and two feasts with the Stoney Nakoda and Knox communities. Ideas continue to develop for Knox to be a space of sacred connection for all people, including Indigenous individuals living in the downtown core.
Learning from the First Nations’ perspective – smudging, reconciliation circles, blanket ceremony, spirituality and Land Acknowledgements
As we work toward building new, life-giving relationships between our work will expand as Rev. Tony Snow, Indigenous Minister for Chinook Winds Region of Southern Alberta, will be creating a space for the Urban Indigenous Community in the downtown.
On our Truth & Reconciliation weekend service, Mizze Walker led us in worship, offering an important reminder of the generational task of building right relations with one another.
Knox is honoured to maintain our close working relationship with Rev. Tony Snow, Indigenous Minister for the Chinook Winds Region.
Community and Media
Community & Neighbourhood ($68,785): During the week many people come and go through Knox’s doors, each leaving with the hope that comes from rediscovering themselves. Our unique, safe and private space is a getaway in the City’s core used by community groups for offering sports programs, public speaking clubs and addiction and recovery gatherings. Knox is glad to be here to support these journeys. Its support of 2SLGBTQIA+ community, participation in the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, English Learning Classes, book clubs and Yoga reach out within our local community.
Social Media & Livestream ($76,002): The pandemic amplified what we already knew well – that we need one another for support, connections and conversations. Knox was successful in receiving a grant from the Community Services Recovery Fund which provided funds sufficient to acquire modern IT digital infrastructure and hire staff with experience in online livestream and chat engagement. Our Sunday livestream worship services are watched throughout the week by a consistent and growing number of viewers, including from Europe. This momentum allows us to continue serving our community into the future by expanding our vital inclusive outreach and fostering connections in our local neighbourhood and online.
What does my gift of $10 do?
If I give $10 to support Knox, where does it go?
We are beginning to prepare for the Advent season, reflecting on the 2024 Operating Budget and celebrating how your donations make our faithful work possible.
Our 2024 Operating Budget Expense summary highlights the work of Knox’s ministries.
Volunteers: There are approximately 140 volunteer positions required to support the programming at Knox. Annually, volunteers give an estimated total of 21,450 invaluable hours of time and talent.
THANK YOU! Whether you choose to financially support time (days, hours, minutes), and/or give generously of your personal time, skills and talents, we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation. We give thanks for all the ways you make moments matter by strengthening the Knox community.